Sunday, January 15, 2023

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Space Wolves Legion Rules

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are average.

The Space Wolves arguable had the first act in the Heresy. With twisted orders from Horus, they set about not merely bringing the Thousand Sons to task about their sorcery, but were tasked with significantly more. This saw their numbers significantly reduced by the start of the Heresy, and they became harried by the traitors on a regular basis, and were unable to reach Terra in time for the grand show down. In the background, they are portrayed as a legion apart and and the call of the Emperor should the need arise. 

Legion Rules Review.
B.Savagery grants the ability to run and then snap shot and charge where applicable. If they can't run, they gain WS+1 (i.e., cataphractii terminators). Vehicles gain S+1 for ramming purposes. 

Vaults of Morkai grants access to the wargear options, Lords of Winter gives (compulsory) alternatives to Chaplains, Librarians, and Primus Medicae consuls, and Wolves of Fenris grants the usual trait access.

Advanced Reaction.
No Prey Escapes the Wolf allows a unit within a large bubble of an enemy to move toward them according to their maximum initiative, and then charge. This is great overall!

Difference to First Edition.
Despite the relatively small amount of time since First Edition, there are significant changes here. Gone is the antidote to night fighting and the Savagery and Hunters Gait have been rolled into the reaction and the new Savagery. Together they are very reasonable, but I do feel that the Wolves have been fractionally nerfed in comparison to where they once stood. 

[The Blogger Community flagged this post as in breach of their guidelines. I'm struggling to see where. Hence I've altered wordings where I think an automated spider might flag. Apologies if some sentences are less meaningful?] 

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