Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Night Raptor Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. Night Raptors are a great elite choice, but feel like they should be fast attack.

A breed apart, forged together by the simple fact that they all have similar ... proclivities. Soar above the battle field. Circle around. Look for prey. Then be really unsubtle about it all. 

Jump pack infantry with 2 wounds, WS=5 combined with sudden strike, bloody murder, fear, and built-in night vision unlike many of the other Night Lords who have to pay for this. Fundamentally, this is a stronger version of an assault squad that causes fear and can be kitted out in a manner that suits the Night Lords very well. They also synergize well with night fighting. 

Slightly expensive in terms of the sheer points value that players are paying for them. They feel like they should also be in fast attack, but given the double wounds, I get why they are elites as well.

Difference to First Edition.
Skirmish troops with improved lightning claw capabilities!

10 Night Raptors, all with Twin Lightning Claws (410 points).
You won't make too many friends here, especially with that sudden strike coming into play. Take up to 15 members, if you're feeling like you need larger numbers to play to Night Lords' strenghts?

10 Night Raptors, 2 power weapons, 2 chain glaives, 2 melta guns, Huntmaster with artificer armour (380 points).
Mid range option here with anti-tank and appreciable anti-infantry as well. Sometimes the humble flamer might be preferable here if you want a better anti-infantry option, although plasma guns are nice too. I'm not so taken with the plasma pistol or volkite serpenta for the huntmaster though. 

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