Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Contekar Terminator Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are strong.

The nobility - such as it was - of Nostramo wound up in the elite Contekar formations and given some of the best tools and pieces of kit available. They are more concerned with status over each other and how they stand in the legion than others. This makes them something of an uneasy formation to command unless you are the Primarch or Sev. 

WS=5 and W=2 terminators are strong to begin with. Add in their special rules that include deep strike and stubborn as standard and you have an even better squad. The icing on the cake is the chosen warriors and fear.

In addition to this, they gain a special rule called "Lords of the Night" to reflect their standing in Nostramo society. This means they can fill a compulsory HQ slot where the Primarch and Sevatar are not around when needed, which I find to be most remarkable. This could be great for an allied detachment potentially? They can also be a retinue for Sevatar. 

No night vision. A notable lack of options.

Difference to First Edition.
Love the automatic deep strike in second edition.

5 Contekar, Dissident with Escaton Power Claw (240 points).
The baseline unit. Take either the volite cavitor and/or the heavy flamer to taste. A combination of the two is great at short range. The usual rule of "go big" with volkite can also apply here, but with heavy 4 per weapon it is not as needed as it might be elsewhere.

10 Contekar, Dissident with Escaton Power Claw (440 points)
The only real option for the squad is more members and the power claw. Take both. Make it 15 strong for a sum of 640 points. 


  1. For the lols I keep wanting to make these my Rewards of Treachery unit, plop them in an HQ slot & say my Warlord is a ten man Terminator squad with twenty total wounds & a bunch of Heavy Flamers. An Alpha Legion Dissident just feels right, you know?

  2. Hell yes! Its the Alpha Legion thing to do!

  3. the contekar are a bad solution... they have a stupid (volkite) weapon, 10" range, I painted them, but they are in the showcase, I prefer the atramentar much more! much more versatile, deep strike, and team of 20! pure terror!

    1. You must be joking atramentar are probably the worst terminators in the game
