Friday, December 16, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Xiphon Interceptor

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good!

A dual atmospheric and void craft, the Xiphon is an ancient craft design. Brought into the Imperium thanks to the compliance of outlying worlds, by the end of the crusade it was only the Ultramarines and Dark Angels who were still really using them. The Heresy changed this as every legion pressed them back into battle. 

I have to start with the movement rate of 20 here. This is truly magnificent. 

The twin lascannons coupled with the rotary missile launcher make the Xiphon very good against many targets, both on the ground and in the air alike. 

The real drawback here is the Armour=11 all round coupled with 3 hull points. It will die easily and will no doubt be a target, so the controlling player needs to carefully think about positioning and where the Xiphon will be going next. 

Xiphon Interceptor, with ramjet diffraction grid (125 points). 
The ramjet diffraction grid might not appear super useful, but once you've taken a blast from things like vindicators, it becomes obvious how useful it is against certain big gun armies. Given that the Grid is the only upgrade, this is the only build that I'm considering here. You can run the naked version if you are short on points, but I do like the Grid. 

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