Saturday, December 17, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Storm Eagle Gunship

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good!

Made in vast numbers on Terra and Forge Worlds like Anvilus and Galatea, the Storm Eagle is a mainstay of the legions. An orbital assault craft, it carries large numbers of Astartes into battle whilst protecting them with strong armour and prosecutes warfare with excellent weaponry at the same time.

With a transport capacity of 22, the Storm Eagle in second edition will be exceptionally tempting to all legions as a transport option. The armaments are reasonable too with the vengeance missile launcher systems and tempest rockets, as well as the more humble heavy bolter. Of course, it also comes with deep strike and the power of the machine spirit, and is naturally also an assault vehicle. 

The points cost might be steep for some tastes, particularly with the AP=12 all round and 4 HP. This shouldn't detract from its obvious utility though - it just needs to be played right the same as any other flyer needs to be paid attention to.

Storm Eagle with twin-linked lascannons (240 points).
I like the lascannons for being able to tackle threats very actively. But honestly, almost any armament can work on the storm eagle and I've found good use for my Alpha Legion storm eagle over many years of play now. It certainly sees its place secured in many lists. 

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