Monday, December 19, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Dreadclaw Drop Pod

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded upward. The rules are good enough and the points cost is attractive enough.

Unlike other drop pods, the Dreadclaw was designed to be a return vehicle. It was initially designed for void warfare. Those claws on the side dig into a target space craft while melta cutters get to work in order to create an access point for the marines aboard to gain access. It has also found use as a fully functional low altitude vehicle capable of strafing enemy lines with ease.

A routine cargo capacity of 12 (also dreadnoughts too!) combined with similar AP all around and a movement of 15 makes the Dreadclaw a step up above the regular drop pod. 

The ability to heat blast the landing zone is great and the S=6 strafing that it can carry out can be effective if timed right.

The fire power is not exactly worth it, but the landing heat blast can be good against tightly packed enemy formations. 

There are no upgrades to discuss here. Hence there's only the "naked" version. I like playing with my Alpha Legion Dreadclaw and it can be very effective when used at the right moment, but to make the most of it, it has to get flying after depositing its transport cargo. 

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