Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Ultramarines Traits and Rites

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The rules are very reasonable and some are above average to be clear. 

Warlord Traits.
Ultramarines return to second edition with 3 warlord traits - one of each loyalty.

The Burden of Kings. For the Loyalists, the warlord gains fearless and It Will Not Die when a wound is allocated until the end of the next turn. This is solid, but not outrageous -- the opponent can and should focus fire until the warlord is downed in a single turn preferably. The single extra reaction by the warlord is similarly good.

The Aegis of Wisdom. Friendly Ultras with line of sight can use the Warlord's Ld for regrouping and ignore the usual restrictions for post regrouping. This is excellent for the all rounder trait and I can see good use being made of this. The additional shooting reaction is fine.

Pride's Dark Power. Finally something for the traitor Ultramarines! [And please do note: in 40k, most traitor chapters are likely to be successors of the Ultramarines, so even if its not that present in the fluff, I totally support them having a traitor trait!] In short: swap the warlord's Ld for T in any phase. I would anticipate this will result in T=10 against some important shooting or close combat phase. This one can be game defining if used right. The bonus assault reaction is great. In some ways this could be the most powerful trait of all three of them. Time to show what the Ultramarines can really do?

Rites of War.
The Logos Lectora. The solo rite of war for the Ultramarines - but very apt and appropriate with the feeling of Ancient Rome. At the cost of more HQs, more Troops, and zero infiltration or deep strike, the player can gain a different boon per turn (no two on consecutive turns though). Full March gives bonus movement, but lower BS and WS. Hold Fast gives better Ld and re rolling of shooting to hit rolls, but no run and move. Retribution Strike gives bonus WS and charge range at the expense of BS. And Regroup gives Ld and reserves re-rolls. This is a tremendous rite of war that puts other legions to shame (poor Alpha Legion). Worth taking in almost any battle to be honest, but I guess the solid blocks of infantry will pose a transportation problem in the early turns and the army could be vulnerable to certain counter styles of play. 

Difference to First Edition.
Yes, there are differences here to first edition. But overall, it has the feel of first edition and will readily slot well into old veterans hands and new players alike. There's little not to like, but some warlord traits are stronger than others, and the singular rite of war is nice enough, but the restrictions can be harsh. 

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