Monday, November 21, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Ultramarines Legion Rules

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars -- rounded up to 4/5 stars. The rules are certainly above average.

The largest of the legions (assuming you miscount the Alpha Legion) were drawn in by Horus' plan and betrayed by the Word Bearers at Calth. There followed the underworld war, the Ruinstorm, and the Shadow Crusade. Alongside this they also built Imperium Secundus along with the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and elements of the shattered legions. When all was said and done, they crusaded to destroy Davin, push the traitors to their limits, and rebuilt the Imperium proper. Although arguably not at the forefront of the Civil War, their wider forces contributed significantly and mopped up after the event in a way other forces simply were not able to do.

Legion Rules Review.
The Strength of Wisdom grants a bonus pip to hit against a unit if they have already been targeted by another unit in the shooting phase. They have to be within a small bubble of the first unit, but this rule is very strong. To use to maximum effect, I would consider employing "tracer" units to open first first. Arguably the humble rhino has an excellent role to play here, as do regular drop pods. Don't underestimate such cheap tracer units - when adjacent to a heavy support squad this is a truly significant boon to the legion

Arsenals of Ultramar grants access to the unique wargear options from the armoury whilst Lords of the 500 Worlds provides the warlord traits. There are no unique consul choices to be found here though.

Advanced Reaction.
The Unity of Purpose is an excellent advanced reaction. In essence, when shot at, the reacting player can shoot back with not just one unit but two units at the enemy. Timing this one well has the potential to destroy enemy units. 

Difference to First Edition.
There's been a lot of clean up here. The older Rigid Chain of Command rules have had their negative points entirely removed while preserving much of what came before. Sure, the re-rolls of wounding dice are gone, as is armour penetration rolls, but the bonus to hit (which I originally had as a typo in 2015 for Interlocking Tactics) is still very strong. The advanced reaction is powerful when played well. They're doing so much better than the White Scars or Alpha Legion!

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