Thursday, November 17, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: High Chaplain Erebus

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. The rules are above average.

Of all the Word Bearers, and of all the Astartes in all legions, none bears more responsibility for the Heresy than Erebus. Through him, the powers of chaos put in motion their grand scheme to bring low half the legions and the Warmaster too. Erebus was all too willing, able, and ready to take the commanding role in all of this for his perverse masters in place of the Emperor's light. 

The warlord trait here is called Shadow Behind the Throne. When part of a unit of any marines, he does not have to have any wounds allocated to him regardless of whatever Exodus or other marines might have to say about the matter. This doesn't apply in close combat though. Its a rule that keeps him alive long enough to serve in combat, but little more utility beyond that apart from the additional reaction in any one of the enemy phases to be chosen by the player at the start of the battle - this is a bit more powerful than the standard reaction bonus which makes up for the other component of the trait.

The player can select 3 units from the Ruinstorm army list which is probably the main reason for taking Erebus here, but his psychic abilities are nifty with Breach the Veil, and Lightning at his fingertips. His stat line is adequate (which is to say nothing special for a praetor level character) and he brings reliable AP3 at S=7 to the table for close combat. Fearless (very rare!) and hatred of loyalists round out nicely his rules. 

Realistically, he is a solid HQ choice with not much not to like. Sure, he is not providing an army wide buff, but the warlord trait does allow him to be played very aggressively in a wave of foot slogging troops to get to where is needed to unleash daemons, lightning, or AP2 as required. 

An absolutely fine HQ choice. Play melee, play daemons, and play to eliminate the enemy. 

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