Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Argel Tal

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good.

Belonging to the doomed Serrated Sun chapter of the Word Bearers, Tal gazed into the abyss and it gazed back to turn him into the lord of the Gal Vorbak. Not possessed like his brethren in 40k are, but a symbiote, his form is dominated by a large pair of wings sprouting from his back when in combat. He was also one of the first to paint his armour red -- the colour of the Word Bearers' betrayal.

Argel Tal has a host of special rules, not least of which is being a master of the legion. He also gains things like relentless, feel no pain, and rage which come in handy. His stat line is also very good with 6 in WS and 5's in most other places. 

His wings enable a move of 14 inches with few drawbacks (except if he runs, in which case forget shooting or charging). Meanwhile his talons are rending with AP3. Finally, his warlord trait enables him and a Gal Vorbak unit to gain a 5+ invulnerable save which is very nice.

I feel if he had one of reliable AP2, or Brutal, he would be perfect and score 5/5 stars from me. As it is, he is just short. But that is fine. He's still crazy good!

The obvious warlord choice for any army running the Last Rite of the Serrated Sun, but otherwise he works fine even when just using a unit or two of Gal Vorbak. He is a heavy hitter with moderate staying power and some nice movement rules combined with a local boost to Gal Vorbak. There's little not to like overall. Naturally, he can only be used in traitor armies though. 

I will finish by stating that I also love the miniature for him! I'm a fan!

1 comment:

  1. Biggest issue I have is that I can't say his name with a straight face. Argle! XD
