Thursday, October 6, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Sanguinius

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. The rules are excellent.

Sanguinius makes a splendid return in second edition looking and feeling everything like the Angel that he is. Even if those wings of his are not the greatest thing on the table top (they are), then the rules are fab. Of course, the background has an ill fate in store for him later on in the civil war, but during all stages of it, he was an inspiration to all who witnessed him and remained untainted by the challenges of chaos thrown around him. Why would the Emperor not appoint him as Warmaster?

Bonus WS on the charge for his sons and movement reactions bonus, coupled with those amazing wings make him not only a good beat stick, but also as swift a (unmounted) primarch as we will find. Although his armour is standard, and the bonus to combat resolution is solid, his main strength lies in his armaments. 

Infernus is terrific for a side arm with assault 2 and melta (albeit one shot) can ruin an opponent's day with ease. The blade encarmine is sufficiently powerful to tackle most foes, including his brothers, while the replacement for this of the Spear of Telesto and the Moonsilver Blade provide access to AP1 and S=10 coupled with bonus effects against psykers and daemons. 

The stat line features a lot of 6's. Not in WS, mind you. Just everywhere else. It is important to note this as often you will need higher S (Spear of Telesto), or to rely on your 2+/4+ armour save when taking incoming wounds. Brutal weapons will especially hurt him. But you shouldn't care too much about this: Sanguinius is simply great.

He's Sanguinius. He is awesome. He should have been the Warmaster. [I may also be biased.]

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral to slightly worse overall I think?? He seems to have lost a few buffs. I preferred the bonus S and I on the charge from first edition. 


  1. Unfortunately I have to disagree with you (not at all, for some things) this time...overall I think he's plainly worse than previous edition, the only better aspects are the consistency of the Spear (always S10) and the AP2 of the Moonsilver Blade. On the other hand he lost the ability to attack aircrafts and his absolutely fantastic Hammer of Wrath...I agree that the +1 to WS is amazing when charging, I've tried it and it makes an incredible difference but he would have been the greatest (after Horus, as he should be) with I7 and S7 that, coupled with +1S from the sword and Shred would have made him absolutely fearsome. Right now you're stuck with the weapon choices on the Spear that is good (especially against Vehicles/Knights) but struggles against Dreadnought and Automated due to the lack of Instant Death that once had (you can have ID on the Spear by throwing it but, seriously, who's gonna do that apart from a last turn gamble?!). All the same I love the job you are doing mate, reading your articles has become one of the things I have to do during the day!!

  2. Your points are entirely fair! Glad to hear that you are enjoying the series - thanks for being along for the ride and for the conversation contributions!
