Friday, October 7, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Dawnbreaker Cohort

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are good. I like them a lot, even when playing against them. 

Dropping from the sky to act as Sanguinius' tip of the spear, these Blood Angels are an elite cadre of assault troops bred on the liberation of human cities and settlements from the grips of xenos and false beliefs. Naturally, they also drop from the skies at dawn like angels, hence the name. 

Two wounds each is fabulous here. Combined with the artificer armour and jump pack, I would expect to be paying slightly more than we are, hence I think they are points cost effective here for the main part. 

The armaments are sound enough with a choice between the falling star power spear or the sunrise and sunset blades. Both can shine in different cases, and the choice between them is down to personal preference for most players, but of course there are trade offs. The grenade discharger is just the icing on the cake, while the Setting the Sky Aflame modifier to Ld for pinning when they deep strike is not only fluffy but something to take maximum advantage of. 

Reliance on AP3 and rending can be an issue here and the squad risks being tarpitted and then killed by terminators. Given the deep strike and potential other choices for the army though, they remain a reasonable tool in the Blood Angel's arsenal. 

Difference to First Edition.
I am going to suggest slightly worse. The lack of reliable AP2 is notable. But the points have been brought down. 

5 Dawnbreakers, Champion with Perdition Weapon (155 points).
My baseline build. Potentially good first turn damage. NB: first edition cost for this was 230 points by comparison. 

5 Dawnbreakers, Equinox Blades, Champion with Perdition Weapon (175 points).
Another baseline build, but this time taking advantage of the sunrise and sunset blades. 

10 Dawnbreakers, 4x Equinox Blades, Champion with Perdition Weapon, Melta Bombs all round (325 points).
A bit of a maximum build. The melta upgrade is cost efficient with 10 members and shouldn't really be taken on a squad any smaller. 

1 comment:

  1. Despite looking cool I didn't take these in 1st Edition because of the points cost. Now on the other hand its a choice between those and the Angels Tears
