Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Blood Angels Traits and Rites

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Rounded down. The rules are average. 

Warlord Traits.
Three traits are present for the Blood Angels legion: a loyalist only, an all-rounder, and a traitor only. 

Encarmine Paladin. For the Loyalists, this is an anti-traitor trait. He gets Fear (1) against traitor armies which increases to Fear (4) as he wins combats. An extra assault reaction rounds this out. A solid trait overall and a rule that is unusual to see outside the Night Lords. 

Paragon of Unity. The all rounder trait grants Ld+1 to all Blood Angels in line of sight to him, or the unit he's joined. Nice, and comes with a bonus assault reaction.

Thrall of the Red Thirst. Must charge within 12 inches, but gets +2 attacks on the charge, including for the unit he is a part of. Straight forward and no messing. Feels very World Eaters, and rightly so. Bonus movement reaction is solid here as well. A great traitor choice and one I can see having a lot of play.

Rites of War.
The Day of Revelation. This is a deep strike army configuration which grants a gaurenteed deep strike on a turn chosen out of turns 2, 3, or 4. Other units gain fearless until the nominated turn. There are some rules about placing a marker for the first model, along with restrictions such as no subterranean assault and a jump pack for HQs. Very fluffy, very appropriate, and very Blood Angels that we know and love.

The Day of Sorrows. Crimson paladins as non compulsory troops with Line, stubborn on objectives, and a triggered Heart of the Legion plus Hatred (everything) make this a solid choice at the price of always accepting and giving challenges (as if you wouldn't) and having to charge if reduced below 50%. An aggressive rite to be clear, and one that can work very well, and can also be wasted if an opponent knows to just clear out units one at a time. 

Difference to First Edition.
I like what has happened here for the warlord traits. The traitor one especially seems to be quite powerful and will work well in concert with either rite. The loyalist one is fine, and the all rounder is solid. The rites themselves feel familiar and overall I think we are still going to see more days of revelation than days of sorrow on the battlefield. But who knows: those crimson paladin models sure are cool. 


  1. If possible I would give 0 stars on the Day of Revelation RoW. Giving your opponent both the coming turn and the area of your deep strike gives basically no advantage because he can tailor his strategy around the intelligence you are giving him...

  2. I agree. The rite is counter-able with some planning, but the aggressive Blood Angels player should be able to overwhelm the critical location rapidly with some luck and tactical play.
