Monday, October 3, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Blood Angels Legion Rules

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are fine.

To me, the Blood Angels are almost a loyalist version of the Emperor's Children (or maybe it is the other way around to some of you?). They have a predilection for art and the finer things in life, having hailed from the wastes of Baal. Vampires in all but name, they got bogged down at Signus by the Warmaster and after a little sojourn in the Unspoken Empire, made haste to Terra to defend the throne at incredible cost. 

Legion Rules Review.
Encarmine Fury grants one pip lower to wound when they have charged. This is strong, but obviously only applies on the charge and they have to hit first. For vehicles, they gain S+1 when ramming which is not to be underestimated in the right circumstances.

Panoply of the Angels grants access to the wargear (see subsequent post). The Children of Baal meanwhile gives access to the Warlord Traits. There is no unique consul choice here.

Advanced Reaction.
The Wrath of Angels is a good one. In shooting, they gain shrouded, and in turn can make a charge against the enemy (but no surge if it doesn't work out). This allows the Blood Angels to move up the board in a responsive fashion which will suit their play style overall. 

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral. Yes, some things have been tidied up, but overall the rules are similar to when they first appeared. The Blood Angels play roughly the same as they did in First Edition. The rules are fairly good, but not outstandingly mind blowingly amazing as they still have to get into close combat to make the best of them. 


  1. Don't you think they were hit by a quite significant nerf bat? They used to have a +1 to wound at all times, now it's conditional (considering only the points you have shown in this article)

  2. Yes, that legion rule is strictly worse. But they have dropped also Host of Angels, and Without Remorse / Without Relent as well, which had negatives and as such now opens up entirely new builds. I like also the advanced reaction very much - played well and timed well it is a game changer.
