Thursday, October 20, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Alpha Legion Armoury

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are average.  

Power Daggers. The invention of the Alpha Legion, these small blades are actually pretty nifty in game as they provide a valuable AP3, along with sudden striking and breaching. The points cost alone makes these a terrific upgrade for any Alpha Legion character and a great way to add an extra attack in close combat if it is needed. Worth taking in general.

Banestrike Bolters. Subsequently shared with the Sons of Horus, once again Banestrike Bolters were invented within the legion to directly compromise power armour. What great foresight the legion had! Short range, but nice to have the S+1 and breaching. Worth it for aggressive builds. 

Venom Spheres. Slightly expensive for one of these, but it is assault 6 with poison at 3+. These can nicely soften up some targets when required, but not sure if the points cost trade off is quite worth it. Not made up my mind overall. 

Difference to First Edition.
Fairly neutral overall realistically. I'd certainly get the power daggers when possible. The banestrike rounds are nice in general, but you do need to get close. Not bad overall, so 3/5 stars from me here.

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