Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Editorial: What to do about Coils of the Hydra?

In my post yesterday, I reviewed the traits and rites available to the Alpha Legion in the second edition of the Horus Heresy. One of the main grips that I have (not withstanding the general legion rules which I am saddened by immensely) is that Coils of the Hydra is almost unplayable. In First Edition, this rite of war allowed the player to select units from other legions and this was the only way of doing it. However, in second edition, this is now a generic feature of the Alpha Legion. 

Cut to second edition. The rite of war has been completely re-worked. If I understand the wording correctly (dubious) and the FAQ issued recently (equally dubious), then the player can select up to 3 rewards of treachery units from other legions. Now these units have to come from not only the same legion, but also by the exact same unit in triplicate. This is such a massive problem that it kills the rite of war. Exacerbating this is the fact that a similar number of units have to be placed in reserves. Now there are some perks for this, but overall, an opponent should try to just blow away those 3 units and finish the game on turn 1 if possible. If the Alpha Legion player has more units on the table on turn 1, I feel the rite will just lead to a loss due to picking off units one by one over many turns.

So what to do about it. 

My thought to solve this is (a) have any legion and any unit be selectable, and (b) just give those 3 units infiltrate. Done. Keep some of the limitations such as forcing some deep striking perhaps. But by infiltrating, they gain the advantage back and it makes the rite worth playing once again. That's it. That's the best I've got. Elegant. Simple. Desirable. And probably will sell more Forge World units to boot. 

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