Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Lord Commander Eidolon

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars. The rules are great.

An example of the perfection that Fulgrim strove for, and favoured by his gene sire in turn. The only problem with Eidolon was his arrogance. This in turn would be the key that the canker would turn as the rot spread through the Emperor's Children. Giving himself over to Fabius Bile was perhaps the point of no return, and from there his fate flowed. 

A strong stat line combines with a slew of special rules and armaments to create a bit of a close combat beast. His warlord trait line him up directly with a "rival" against whom he receives bonuses to hit or/and wound depending on the circumstances. 

His hammer is tremendous with Brutal (2) along with ignoring unwieldy when charging successfully. The Death Scream provides a template rending and pinning weapon thank to his recent surgery which is similarly nice.

Traitor only. Not that anyone expected anything other. The other restriction worth considering is the reactions: Eidolon can only declare reactions against the rival unit and therefore thought needs to be injected about how to place him and best exploit his abilities on the battlefield. This shouldn't be too difficult though as the jump pack will help. 

Difference to First Edition.
Slightly improved. A bit of a clean up here arguably, but I really like the Prideful Onslaught warlord trait which is why he gets 4/5 stars from me. Used well, Eidolon is a character killer where Primarchs are not in play, and he should be used in this fashion.

I like Eidolon perhaps more than I should. Don't underestimate him - playing against him in first edition hurt badly, and he will also hurt in second edition. 

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