Monday, September 19, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Kakophoni Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, rounded up. The rules are very good.

As they slipped toward damnation, new formations arose within the Emperor's Children. Besides the surgical augmentations that some opted for, the Kakophoni were not only an embodiment of the rapidly degenerating legion, but also the precursors to the noise marines later on. They wielded psycho-sonic weapons fused of xenos technology, imperial know how, and daemonic taint. Their total damnation to Slaanesh would follow. 

The cacophony weapons are assault 3 and give the user a good range at S=6 while also giving pinning and deflagrate (and shell shock to boot). This weapon is formidable.

They also get the sonic shrieker upgrade for free which is nice. 

Nothing special to report in the stat line here save for the Ld=10 (but they are already fearless), so the conundrum to consider here is whether they do it better than regular heavy support squads. I am going to contend that they are worth the points increase, but it is a judgement call, and one which assumes that the player wants a mass infantry killing squad rather than a tank killer. 

Difference to First Edition.
Slightly improved. They have got fearless now which is good to see and the cacophony rules have got an update. Naturally they are traitor only selections, but that's to be expected. They do, however, still compete against other heavy support options they are fundamentally not tank killers. 

5 Chora, Orcestrator with power fist (170 points).
The base line unit. Whittle down your opponent's troops.

10 Chora, Orchestrator with Power Fist, Artificer Armour (305 points).
This sort of build will also likely be common and should be taking a rhino as a troop transport. Unload and then use the psychic sonic weapons to kill all before them. Remember reactions though.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely very much improved!! Now that their weapons are Assault one finally does not need to play the 3rd Company Elite to have them move and fire!!
