Monday, July 18, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Medusan Immortals Squad

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars, but rounded down. A solid choice for the Iron Hands player, but competing for a cramped Elites slot. 

Failures. Whether in the eyes of the Primarch, or due to the fickle whims of battlefield fate, and perhaps grievous wounds too great such that they need massive cybernetic rebuilds, these marines were cast into the Immortals Squad to earn some token of redemption. Pretty bleak stuff and just underscores the dark fury contained within this legion. 

The Immortals are basically an enhanced type of breacher squad. The main difference here is the addition of feel no pain which serves this squad well and is representative of the cybernetic rebuilds that the marines underwent before joining the Immortals.

There are a variety of different ways to build the squad depending on personal preferences and this flexibility should also be seen as a strength.

Finally, note the Ld=10 statistic. This can be massive.

As an upgraded breacher squad, they have the same pros and cons as regular ones, but come at a notably higher points cost. Due to the Bitter Duty rule, they cannot be joined by a squad without that same rule either, hence they're largely on their own on the battlefield too. Finally, this squad is under the Elites entry which makes it compete against potentially more effective squads (although for Zone Mortalis and similarly cramped playing boards they will do very well indeed). 

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral. The new rules are very comparable to the old rules. Note here again the addition of graviton shredders to the Iron Hands

Plenty of different options to consider for the Immortals as I will illustrate with a variety of builds that are possible.

10 Immortals, 2 Graviton Shredders, Sergeant with thunder hammer and artificer armour (275 points).
Something of a baseline build. Put in a land raider proteus and go hunting. 

10 Immortals, 2 Flamers, Sergeant with artificer armour (225 points).
For holding on to back line objectives. Cheap-ish and functional.

20 Immortals, 4 Melta Guns, 10 Chain Bayonets, Sergeant with power fist, melta bombs and artificer armour (500 points).
For 20 marines, the points cost of this aggressive build is surprisingly palatable. Note the footslogging problem here though and solve it in your own manner.

10 Immortals, 9 Volkite Chargers, Sergeant with Volkite Serpenta, artificer armour and power fist (253 points).
The Volkite squad option. Deploy from their land raider and spout Martian death rays to your enemy infantry units. 

1 comment:

  1. Kinda want to steal a squad of them with graviton guns for my Alphas (the whole difficult terrain thing working with the the 2" further away thing) then join up a Moritat with a boarding shield. Not sure how well it would actually work but it might be fun?
