Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Iron Father

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4/5 stars -- a great HQ choice for the Iron Hands player and a solid upgrade for a Praetor assuming the player is fielding armour. Not as essential as having a praetor in the first place, but worthy of consideration for the upgrade depending on desired play style.

The Iron Fathers of the Iron Hands legion are gifted smiths. Unlike the Salamanders Legion though, they don't really care much for the looks of things -- just how hard they can smash stuff up. Function before form. Outcomes over style. 

The Iron Father is an upgrade for a Praetor of any type -- for a cost.

They gain access to Battlesmith at 3+ which is very nice (and therefore favours more tanky armies) alongside a machinator array (also very nice, and comes with some ranged weapons), feel no pain (always welcome) and a cyber familiar for an extra pip of invulnerable saves and certain re-rolls. 

To my mind, the Iron Father is worth the extra points cost when the Iron Hands want to field a large number of vehicles and dreadnoughts, or when a certain single vehicle is critical to remain in action.

Praetors are essential. This upgrade might not be so essential to your army though.

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral. The rules are comparable overall, but note the steep cost versus what is gained here. Worth considering what sort of build is desired...

Iron Father in Cataphractii Armour, Thunder Hammer, Grenade Harness (220 points).
Getting expensive, but cannot look beyond the combination of cataphractii armour with cyber familiar! Upgrade to Gorgon Terminator Armour to taste depending if you like sweeping over a better save. 

Iron Father, Graviton Shredder, Paragon Blade (225 points).
Surprisingly more expensive than a terminator, this power armour build is intended for being on board a transport. Not sure if the terminator is simply better or not at this point though hence this build is included for completeness and illustrative purposes here. Remove the Shredder if you feel you have enough weapons already?

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