Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Forge Lord

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3/5 stars. The rules are fine overall, but this is not going to be a first choice HQ outside of specific legions and army builds.

Techmarine HQ choices. These brothers were in charge of the armouries and battle automata held by the legion, as well as being quintessential artisans of the wars fought by their masters. Additionally, they were charged with the care of the legion dreadnoughts - which they carried out with due diligence.

I like the fact that the Forge Lords are able to bring units of thallax cohorts with them on the battlefield (from the yet to be published at the time of writing Liber Mechanicum). This also gives the mechanicum unit the legiones astartes special rule shared by the forge lord which makes things very interesting here as they can pass along various ranged or close combat strengths (and others beyond). Master of the automata helps.

Battlesmith is a good skill to have in addition here, and the machinator array is similarly welcome. The ability to purchase a cortex controller and cyber familiar should be considered for many builds (although the former is not strictly needed if there is just one purchased automata unit).

Losing out on reactions is a big negative for the unit thanks to master of the automata rule when the Forge Lord takes a squad of automata. (Note that reactions are a very strong and significant feature of the second edition of the game). Fearless is a good exchange rate though. 

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral. The rules are comparable overall.

Forge Lord with cyber familiar, nemesis bolter (125 points).
Take with a back line shooting automata unit.

Forge Lord in Cataphractii Armour, cyber familiar, Thunder hammer, grenade launcher (160 points).
Front line, tip of the spear HQ to be taken with close combat automata. The question remains open as to how he gets to the front line. 


  1. Think you've misunderstood Master of Automata with what you've put as the weakness. He only trades reactions for Fearless if he's joined a unit of Automata, who already have Fearless and can't use reactions.

  2. No misunderstanding, but I will update my wording to make this clear. Thanks for the feedback and keeping me honest - its appreciated.

  3. Any follow up thoughts now the thallax are out? Pretty low WS/BS and wondering if a night lord meltabomb squad is worth it....
