Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Delegatus

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
5/5 stars. 
I agonized about this rating, quite genuinely. In the end, the utility of Master of the Legion shone out and was the tipping factor here as it really is such a boon even in low points matches. 

Delegated to take command for a specific mission, the Delegatus is a lower ranking figure in the legions but acts with the full weight and power of the commander's orders when and where required. This, of course, makes them very valuable when so empowered.

This character comes with Master of the Legion for games at under 1000 points. As such, a Delegatus is almost a "must have" for any low points value army where a named character with Master of the Legion is not taken. Candidly the access to Legion rites of war is so important that it cannot be overlooked even at low points values like this. 

In addition to this, the character also gains Rally the Legion. This is a new power that requires a Ld test by the Delegatus and automatically causes all units pinned or fleeing to automatically rally. This is a subtle, but amazingly strong power that means even in higher points games that the Delegatus might be worth thinking about taking.

None beyond the standard issues of T=4.
Given that players will want to make use of the Rally rule, it is important to consider board positioning for this HQ choice, and to also keep him alive. The builds below are all viable, but do need some thought about whether to put him in a vehicle or not.

Difference to First Edition.
Improved. The addition of Rally the Legion is (situationally) strong, especially at low points values. 

Delegatus, Nemesis Bolter (95 points).
An absolute steal for a backline commander. No need for a vehicle here. Put him in cover at the start of the game, preferably high up, and ensure other key elements of your army draw line of sight if you think it is needed.

Delegatus, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bombs (125 points).
A front line threat to be deployed with others in a rhino or other troop carrier. 

Delegatus in Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Grenade Harness, Chain Fist (130 points).
A better front line option thanks to the terminator armour. The goal here is to keep him alive in case the Rally rule is required. Take a combi weapon to taste. 


  1. is it possible to format your ratings with star emojis so we can easily get to your ratings – like movies its the first thing one reads in a review before diving deeper and enjoying the piece

    ie ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Great review series btw. Cant wait till you review the loyalist legions.

  2. He can't get Master of the Legion OVER 1,000 points? Seems that would be useful.

  3. Star Ratings now included with emojis! All ratings moved to the top of the articles.
    Thanks for this suggestion - as you can tell, I thoroughly agree with it. Stay tuned for more over the coming weeks and months ahead. It will be a grand journey!

  4. Master of the legion for this character only applies below 1000 points. This is also the only way that I'm aware that this is possible.

  5. I apologise for asking a silly q, but why is the Banestrike bolter preferred over the Seeker squad kraken rounds?

    The former offers 5+ AP2 the latter 4+. Is rapidfire that beneficial given it'd be within a 9" range?

    HWhat have I missed that's obvious?

  6. Rapid fire can be situational, but with the option to shoot in opponent's turns thanks to Reactions it can be much more deadly if within rapid fire range. In comparison, Scorpius rounds are assault 1 at the same strength. Admittedly, at longer range, the 30 inch Kraken may be better. Hence I would favour Banestrike if playing in cramped quarters / kill team / zone mortalis, or if I were infiltrating / deep striking close to an enemy. Otherwise Kraken will likely be better just about.

  7. @Jabberjabber I'm really flattered you took my suggestion 🙏!
    After noticing article previews on Naftka or other Warhammer/40k blogs with ⭐️'s on them I find myself on this site alot more now!

  8. @jabberjabber - I think you can use its Master of the Legion above 1000 points:

    "A Legion Delegatus gains the Master of the Legion special rule, but may be included in armies of less than 1,000 points. A Legion Delegatus may not be included in a Detachment that also includes a Legion Praetor, Legion Cataphractii Praetor, Legion Tartaros Praetor or a model with the Primarch Unit Type. A Legion Delegatus also gains the Rally the Legion special rule:"

    I think you confusion here was that you read "may" as "must"?

  9. Banestrikes are also s5, so if you're targetting a standard t4 marine you're wounding on a 3+ as opposed to a 4+which is improved odds. Twin-linked, so you're re-rolling failed hit rolls.
