Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Legion Chaplain

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. (Rounded Down - only just). 
This is another rating that I agonized about. Couldn't decide if it was 3 or 4 stars, but rounded down in the end. 

The Chaplains were established late in the Great Crusade, to enforce a cohesion of doctrine among the very different legions. The badge of office is an ornate mortuary symbol - this is the Crozius Arcanum and later in 40k would become very synonymous with their evolution.

Ld=10 is a great boost, and for this reason alone I almost gave the rating 4/5 stars. 

Stubborn and Hatred (of everything!) is superb and puts this unit in a class of its own ahead of other entries such as Champions. 

Nothing worth mentioning here beyond the obvious T=4. Note here though that to get the master crafted rule that would be associated with the Crozius Arcanum, it is also necessary to BUY the power weapon in the points cost - it does not come free like a Paragon Blade does for a Legion Champion. Of course, terminators will get this power weapon for free. Hence note the points costs below. I am mildly expecting a points cost FAQ here.

Difference to First Edition.
Neutral. The rules are broadly comparable. 

Legion Chaplain, Crozius Arcanum (110 points). 
The baseline build to go with a squad.

Legion Chaplain in Tartaros Terminator Armour, Crozius Arcanum (110 points).
Pay careful attention to the points cost here compared to the power armour above! Only ten points more for the Cataphractii Terminator option too!

Legion Chaplain, Crozius Arcanum, Combat Shield, Jump Pack (130 points).
Bit of a "distraction carnifex" here. Use to lock a backline squad in combat and hope to survive? Great for legions with an Initiative advantage though. Better yet, put in an assault squad of your own to support it. 


  1. No jump pack for the boarding shield option as he is Heavy.

  2. Thank you for spotting that! Changed to what was originally intended: combat shield.
