Saturday, April 2, 2022

Leagues of Votann: Squats Return!

Here's a post that I never thought I would be making: the Squats are returning to Warhammer!

The video produced by the Warhammer Community on April Fool's Day turned out to be entirely true and a solid double bluff. Not only are the Squats returning, but they have a new name and will be given the status of an entirely new faction within the game. 

Although I am assuming that there will be some ret-conning going on, I'm looking forward to seeing how the narrative plays out with regard to the tension between the (a) being part of humanity, but a long distant cousin in the same way Ogryns were originally thought to be; and (b) not being nom nom'ed by the Tyranids. 

The miniature posted by the Warhammer Community team is excellent. The sculpt is pretty much spot on and in line with how I personally perceived they might return in my head, albeit a bit more "miner" and less surf-board, cigar-smoking, plasma toting Forge World analogues. Gone are the obvious flak jackets, and in is a more power armour miner look. I hope that the new faction manages to make themselves distinguished from the other loyalist branches out there and I'm personally looking forward to hearing more about how they retained the armoury through the darkness compared to Terra. 

Would be wonderful to see them in 30k as well, but I guess that's just as much a dream as Eldar, Orks, and the like. 

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