Saturday, April 9, 2022

Horus Heresy Review: Emperor's Children Sun Killer Squad

Editorial Note. With the announcement of the new rules for the Horus Heresy, I am completing the reviews of all units from the previous edition for completeness sake. Enjoy!

The Sun Killers were a peerless and boastful group of heavy support warriors within the Emperor's Children. They went ahead of the main force to deliberately target the massive armour or bio-beasts of the enemy and slay them; or provide covering fire for when the legion needed a tactical retreat (ahem: repositioning). They eschew physical ammunition and prefer energy weapons as their armament.

Fundamentally, this is a las cannon squad with an extra pip in Ballistic Skill, able to ignore cover thanks to Precision Fire, and potentially can take a defence line instead of transport (this seems like a good idea, depending on what mission is being fought). 

They can swap out the las cannons for plasma cannons, multi-meltas, or volkite culverins which in some situations can be advantageous (I am salivating over the sheer saturation possibilities of the plasma cannons! Multi-Meltas clearly have use for tank hunting, and Volkites do well against massed troops and others). 

Apart from the 1 wound issue that permeates all such squads, the biggest thought here is that the price tag is for las cannons and swapping out to other weapons makes this fractionally squad less attractive in terms of points cost. 

5 Sun Killers (250 points).
Honestly, I really like the "naked" option here! Take a transport to taste. 

10 Sun Killers, 1 augury scanner (455 points).
Lots of firepower here and for a reasonable cost. Take the defence line to taste. 

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