Monday, April 18, 2022

Horus Heresy Review: White Scars Dark Sons of Death Squad (Karaoghlanlar)

Editorial Note. With the announcement of the new rules for the Horus Heresy, I will regardless finish all the reviews of all units from the previous edition for completeness sake. We already know that these units were retrofitted for the new edition hence their inclusion is assured regardless.

The Dark Sons focus on the "unmaking" of enemies who have fallen so far as to deserve both physical destruction and spiritual oblivion. They are regarded with unease by their battle brothers and adorned with appropriate talismans and wards. 

As well as being able to be a Librarian's (Stormseer's) retinue, once per game they can gain fleet and rage which is a nice touch for one of their invocations. Their more unique rule is the Ritual of Unmaking is to automatically fail sweeping advances in exchange for units with models with 6 inches to take a Ld test or suffer -1WS until the end of next turn. Honestly, I don't think this is too powerful, but it is flavourful in the sense of inducing fear in the enemy. I'd sooner be sweeping come what may. 

The jump packs are a great feature here though, along with the plentiful options.

I think I would have sooner have seen this unit with similar rules to the Thousand Sons brotherhoods, but it is what it is. Fundamentally, these are still 1 wound jump pack marines, but given that they tote rad grenades, they make for a tremendous asset for the White Scars. 

15 Dark Sons, 3 Melta Guns, Champion with power fist, Melta Bombs (425 points).
A bit of a maximum squad, but one that would be rather powerful and a vehicle plus crew hunter.

10 Dark Sons, 2 Hand Flamers, Champion with Hand Flamer, artificer armour and power weapon (290 points).
Flamers all round, or just sit on an objective.

5 Dark Sons, all with Power Glaives, 1 Plasma Pistol, Champion with plasma pistol and artificer armour (235 points).
Plasma distraction carnifex, with power glaives. 

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