Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Horus Heresy Review: Raven Guard Deliverer Squad

Editorial Note. With the announcement of the new rules for the Horus Heresy, I will regardless finish all the reviews of all units from the previous edition for completeness sake. We already know that these units were retrofitted for the new edition hence their inclusion is assured come what may.

The Deliverers are the remains of the Terrans within the legion and trained with the Luna Wolves under Horus himself prior to Corax being found. Finding reward with the Justaerin they were subsequently shunned by Corax since terminators did not truly fit in with the Raven Guard's new modus operandi. Not honoured like they used to be, some declared for Horus in the wars that followed whereas others stayed with Corax, if only to die a worthy death and prove their worth to the Raven Lord.

Two wound terminators for the Raven Guard are a reason to cheer alone! The fact that they come with a teleportation transponder is nothing short of miraculous given that only the Night Lords truly compete in this particular area. 

Depending on what side of the conflict they are fielded, the Delivers either count as +1T for instant death (Loyalists), or gain hatred of Corax (Traitors). Corax in all cases will 18 inches away from them when on the same side during deployment (I guess he really didn't like them). 

They come with the usual stubborn and implacable advance special rules otherwise.

Not many. Even less if they are loyalists and worried about instant death. Arguably they don't get storm shields or equivalent, so they're not competing with the Salamanders here. What they are competing for are precious Elite slots in the army roster.

5 Deliverers, 1 Multi Melta (300 points).
A nice scary unit to deep strike into place and be multi-purpose.

5 Deliverers, 1 Heavy Flamer, 4 Raven Talons (325 points).
Chop up enemies after landing. Camp on objectives. Plenty of choice.

10 Deliverers, 2 Reaper Autocannons, 4 Combi-Plasmas (533 points).
More expensive here, and mid-range. 

15 Deliverers, 3 Multi Meltas, Chieftain with Raven Talons, 5 Combi-Meltas (795 points).
Far too expensive! But in an Apocalypse game, entirely viable. 

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