Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Horus Heresy Review: Inner Circle Knights Cenobium - Order of the Broken Claws

Released alongside the Mortus Squad in the rules updates of legendary battles that the Warhammer Community is releasing, this Order are some of the remnants in the Dark Angels from the fights against the Rangdan. They are charged with guarding the victories of those fights and the relics that remain. Much like other Cenobites, they are a hidden order within the Dark Angels. 

Much like their brethren, this is a really good unit choice for 30k. I regard this unit as one of the best in the game - not from an efficiency point of view (but there is certainly a case there), but from a finely balanced point of view - they do what they do, and they are very good at it. 

Fundamentally these are terminators in cataphractii armour, with Terranic greatswords, and backed up with plasma-casters (that can overwatch too). Plonk them in a land raider, and go hammer opponents (literally). Coupled with Stubborn (at Ld=10), adamantium will, they can be arguably among the better terminators that any legion has to offer. This squad's specialism is big game hunting and anti-deamon crusading. And they are good at it. +1 to wound rolls are very welcome, and the +1 to vehicle damage is pretty amazing. 

The plasma-caster has a range of "only" 12 inches. The terminators therefore need transport to have maximum effect. They also only have 1 wound each, but the terminator armour makes up for this. 

I only have 1 build for this unit, but I rather like it. 

5 Knights, 2 with thunder hammers, 2 with Advex-Mors Greatswords, Preceptor with grenade harness and Paragon Blade (307 points).
A nasty squad that is more than capable of downing monstrous enemies in close combat, as well as whittling them down using the plasma casters before charging. They also pose a threat to lighter vehicles. Take a land raider phobos or spartan to taste.

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