Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Convergence of Dominion, Element 1

This is the first of the three elements of the Convergence of Dominion that I've finally managed to get painted up. 

After undercoating in black, the surface of the stonework was painted in a light grey colour to give it enough of a base and texture to hold some contrast paint. Here, the contrast paint that was used is Guilliman Flesh. This gives a nice overall effect, and whilst there is some pooling of the ink evident (notable at the ridge line three quarters of the way down, as well as some splodges elsewhere), from a certain distance this works very well for the miniature. 

The cracks in the stone work were inked by using watered down black and carefully painting them along the cracks, as required. This step has accentuated the worn stone effect by yielding a rather nice marbling effect to the miniature that I might carry over to other paint jobs I have in mind. 

For the recesses, I have left them mostly black and given them a drybrushing of lead belcher and a few highlights. Some of the edges of the stonework are similarly highlighted along the edges.

The final step here was to use the trusty old airbrush to give the green glow effect to the central orb and other orbs along the length of the body. These other orbs are more obvious in the other pieces in the dominion set which I will post soon enough. 

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