Friday, April 16, 2021

Convergence of Dominion, Element 2

The second element in the Convergence of Dominion is the half-worn away stone variation.

The painting for this piece follows the same basic approach as the first element. The stonework is contrast paint with Guilliman Flesh and the marbling effects have been achieved using a watered down black applies to the recesses and the grooves. 

Perhaps the main difference here is the increased use of the airbrush to go over the "shining" green spheres located in the centre, top, and sides of the top of the monument. More of the black and silver underneath parts are also exposed here and they have seen some weathering using metallic silver paints (e.g., lead belcher and so forth) to create a slightly worn effect, and some of the raised surface has had their bits highlighted and picked out.

I'm really liking the Convergence of Dominion -- it is a great addition to my (far too extensive) terrain collection!

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