Monday, January 18, 2021

Custodian Guard Squad 2/4

Continuing with Custodes number 2 out of 4, this particular fellow is a stoic and immovable object ready to exact the Emperor's due from any and all. 

Once again the sheer level of detail on this miniature is hugely impressive to me. Rarely seen in yester-decades outside of Forge World resin, the miniature sports a huge level to iconography that really is befitting of the Custodes in general. 

No conversion work has been undertaken here. I found the spear to be a bit problematic to glue on to the wrists. For some reason it didn't want to settle in to position well (maybe a bit too much gravitational torque). I though a nub might be a better to help seal the position in place. Other than that, very straight forward to piece together. 

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