Sunday, January 17, 2021

Custodian Guard Squad 1/4

The first entry (after the Custodes Shield Captain) that I made for a Custodes Guard Squad was this fellow. From the box, I knew I was going to like the sheer dynamism of this pose: the swept back spear coupled with the aggressive, yet empty, left hand feels like a truly mid-battle strike waiting to happen. Indeed, the quality of miniature that Games Workshop is now able to pump out from the plastic molds is truly impressive -- not just the posture that is possible, but the entire level of detail present has gone up by an order of magnitude compared to even ten years ago. 

I based this one on some cork to give him a little bit of extra height on the battlefield -- not that any enemy would need to draw additional lines of sight to what are already over-sized space marines. The power knife, or close combat weapon for 30k purposes, has been attached to his right lower leg to provide something a little bit different to the regular locations around the waist and hip. 

Other than that, this was a nice, straight forward build with no real conversions for once. 

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