Saturday, October 31, 2020

Wargames Gallery: Salamanders Shattered Legion

This is my complete(?!) Salamanders Shattered Legions force. For each component of the Shattered Legions, I'm incorporating 1 HQ selection, 1 Troops, and 1 something else. In this case, the "something else" is the Salamanders Contemptor Mortis. 

The army list for this component is as follows:
1 x Praetor in Terminator Armour, with Thunder Hammer, and combi-melta. [This could be swapped to Delegatus in lower points games]. 
1 x Tactical Squad with bolt guns and bolt pistols, Sergeant with power fist and melta bombs (nuncio vox to taste).
1 x Contemptor Mortis with twin multi-meltas. 

The Salamanders Praetor will be the lead character for the Shattered Legions and loan the Covenant of Fire rite of war to the entire army for when it is combined with the Raven Guard and Iron Hands components of this force. 

I'm yet to complete the other two legions that will make up this force, but progress is slowly being made. Very happy with how the Salamanders contingent have worked out. Dreadtober 2020 certainly pushed me to finishing off the dreadnought, and hence this entire Salamanders component. 

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