Monday, October 26, 2020

Horus Heresy Review: Corswain

Every legion in the Horus Heresy has its own legends. From Abaddon in the Sons of Horus, through to Sigismund of the Imperial Fists. The Dark Angels are no exception in having non-Primarch's whose names ring through the din of the background period. Corswain is one such name of renown. 

Corswain has an enviable combination of rules that makes him a champion in close combat. From Master of the Death Wing, legion rules, precision strikes, and his master-crafted sword and the instant death ability, Corswain should rightly be feared in melee. Indeed, outside of the Primarchs themselves, there are few who can stand up to him (but there are several). Further, the Paladin of Glory warlord rule grants him further bonuses to win combats which shouldn't be overlooked. 

Traitors cannot take him, but worse than this: he lacks eternal warrior. This is a major detriment which will need the controlling player to carefully consider the charges that they will need to pull off for this character.

Further, there is the perennial question of how to get Corswain in to melee in the first place where he can excel. Hopefully though the Dark Angles have multiple answers for this! To be clear, Corswain is only a combat monster. He is not a force multiplier, nor a ranged expert. Play appropriately and build a force that focuses on close combat, or helps with the lack of non-close combat aspects to get the best out of him. 

Corswain is a close combat monster in power armour (and excellent power armour it is as well with a 3+ invulnerable save in close combat that partially makes up for the lack of eternal warrior -- if you feel lucky and the die gods are on side). He should be played aggressively and at the tip of any spear that the Dark Angels player forges and he shouldn't disappoint. Just watch out for enemy characters and certain legions who are capable of nullifying his special abilities and causing instant death on him before his swings at initiative. These will be deadly to him even with a stunning invulnerable save in close combat if they land sufficient wounds.

1 comment:

  1. Corswain is a beast!
    Run him up on Abbadon - Dead Abbadon.
    Run him up on Kharn - odds are in Corswain's favor
    Run him up on Eidolon - Eidolon gets a mud stomping
    Calas Typhon? Please, dont make me laugh.
    Chapter Master Raldoron and Hvarl Red-Blade both die to Corswain
    Sevatar with Nights Wisper gives Corswain a tough fight
    Of course Sigismund is going to beat him most of the time.

    If your looking for a commander that is going to consistently beat the tar out of any character short of Sevatar, Sigismund or a primarch Corswain is your guy
