Friday, October 2, 2020

Dreadtober 2020: Salamanders Contemptor Mortis

I have had this project hanging over me for a very long time now -- and Dreadtober is the perfect opportunity to attempt to make some appreciable progress with it. Behold the mighty Contemptor Mortis! Fully assembled and awaiting some tender, loving paint work to be applied.

The plan is to use the contrast painting method worked out for my Shattered Legions Salamanders from much earlier and apply some blending to the more fiery aspects of the armour to help it stand out. The base will be kept in keeping with the other miniatures and feature a dark sandy tone. 

Wish me luck!


  1. I love it. He looks HOT! I'll look forward to seeing the paint-work as it emerges.

  2. Nice, looking forward to seeing the green!

  3. Good luck mate, that dread is going to be face-melting fun when it hits the battlefield.
