Monday, June 22, 2020


This HQ character is going to be one of several things, depending on how I construct my final army lists.

Firstly, he could be a Vigilator. This seems highly fitting for the Raven Guard and will play to their strengths very nicely indeed. Secondly, he could be a centurion to add to any given squad and take some needed Melta bombs to the required locations. Thirdly, I may opt to have him simply be a squad sergeant that has been upgraded to have the pictures items at his disposal.

The cape is something that I am particular please with the outcome of. I decided to adopt an urban camouflage pattern for it consisting of a black undercoat followed by three different tones of randomly applied angular patterns (dark grey, lighter grey, and off-white). This is reminiscent of what modern military might be seen deployed with in certain nations. The splatter of mud on the lower edge of the cape (cameleoline!) is what makes this fundamentally click in place for me.

From the front, his armaments are modest: a bolt pistol and a chain sword with his Melta grenade at the waist for the required moment, and several pouches of who-knows-what also attached at the waist. He is positioned standing on top of a wheel that he may have been responsible for detonating the engine from. The mud from the base covers his feet and parts of the lower legs. This ties in nicely with the rest of the Shattered Legions Raven Guard that I have painted this far and really offsets the black and white approach of the painting very well indeed.


  1. Very cool! The cape is a great approach to it!

  2. Thank you! Took a while to get the look "right" :)
