Friday, June 26, 2020

Shattered Legion Tactical Squad (Raven Guard)

The Shattered Legion tactical squad from the Raven Guard legion is complete and ready for some tabletop action (post lockdown or in the household). My personal favourite part is how the bases really offset and complement the otherwise mostly black armour. Further, the variation in painting between squad members also suggests a plurality of origins for each member: they are individually survivors of Isstvan 5, have been re-forged in to a new squad, and are being hunting by the traitors. Will they make it off the planet alive and intact?

Hope you've liked this series of Raven Guard painting - there will be more from the Shattered Legions in the coming months. 

1 comment:

  1. Really nice result, I have always liked the idea of rag tag units ala Dirty Dozen, Kampfgruppe, Penal Legion, Rebel Scum... The larger bases really help 'frame' the squad too!
