Monday, June 15, 2020

Painted Raven Guard Legion Squad: 7/10

The mud and dirt continue in this series of Isstvan 5 massacre survivors. This battle brother is a standard plastic space marine with forge world shoulder pad, as illustrated here.

The painting here is straight forward and follows the standard recipe that I have been using for the Raven Guard black. Specifically this is to use a slightly off-black blue mixture as the base coat and accent with a truer black where needed. One of the knee plates is picked out in gold - perhaps a recent addition thanks to a traitorous Emperor's Children? The helm is in a muddied white colour to contribute to the variety of paint schemes across the squad. Airbrushing of two tones of mud colour has been made to the base and to the lower legs and feet of the marine to provide the necessary contrast to bring the model together.

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