Sunday, June 14, 2020

Painted Raven Guard Legion Squad: 6/10

One of my personal favourites out of the squad of Raven Guard shattered legion members is this one.

Kneeling down and pointing to the next target, this marine features Corvus style armour coupled with a bolt gun and combat blade tucked behind him on the back of his belt, replete with grenades and a purity seal (or oath of the moment as it will be in 30k). The original build for this can be found here.

The left shoulder pad is picked out in gold, perhaps narratively indicating the taking down of an Emperor's Children traitor. The white helmet meets with the variant style found scattered throughout the rest of the squad. Like the rest of his brothers, there is plenty of dirt on the ground and covering his lower legs to suggest combat action, along with silvered edging on the top of the shin to hint at crawling in the gravel.

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