Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Painted Raven Guard Legion Squad: 3/10

This brother sports a red highlight around his left shoulder pad, marking him out as a little unusual from his fellows. The narrative here is similar for the other pieces in the Shattered Legions force that I'm building in the sense that this was a member of a different unit once upon a time, and has been re-forged in to a new unit by necessity. The red markings are therefore representative of the old unit he belonged to -- possibly a nod to some of the markings depicted in the black books for Horus Heresy, and possibly from other traitor units even, as a make-shift field repair.

I think the photo shows better than others the slightly off-black nature of the paint that I am using. It is slightly blue toned with almost a matt finish. Battle damage has been picked out in a bright silver colour, but I might go back over it (particular the thigh) with some more black to make it feel a bit more realistic than it currently is. The mud and grime remains the same as for the other marines in this squad and accents against the black of the Raven Guard colours very nicely indeed. For reference, the build can be found here.

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