Monday, June 8, 2020

Painted Raven Guard Legion Squad: 2/10

The second marine from the Raven Guard for the Shattered Legions features a very muddied appearance, which is in stark contrast to the very new Corvus mark armour. The narrative here is that a large explosion went off to his side, and he got splattered with the mud, and arguably blood.

The paint scheme is slightly atypical for Raven Guard -- featuring both white shoulder pads and arms (plus hands) which the rest of the marine being a muted black colour. The inspiration for this painting scheme comes directly from the images contained in the Horus Heresy black books which feature this variant a few times, sometimes with white helmets. Here, I've adopted it fully and used an off-white colour as the base coat and applied a layer of Nuln oil over the top. Highlights are then picked out in a more pure white colour, as can be seen on the marine's shoulder pads where I've picked out the edges. Battle damage on the top of the knees suggest a lot of crawling around the dirt for this marine, which is a theme that I wanted to carry over to the rest of this re-forged squad. The splatter was achieved through an airbrush using two tones of brown to create the splat along his flank, plus boots area. I like the way the browns offset the otherwise very black colour of the legion myself.

For reference, the build for this marine can be found here.

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