Friday, April 10, 2020

Shattered Legions: Salamanders Tactical Squad Assembled

Given the Coronavirus, I've been tremendously busy with working from home recently. However, after the video conferences and telephone calls have ended, I have managed to squeeze in some hobby time here and there. Thus, I have been making progress on my Shattered Legions project.

Today is a component of that project: a 10 man Salamanders Legion tactical squad fully assembled and ready for priming and painting!

Each of the models is a bit of a kit bash. Some have components from Forge World, plastic bits and bobs from various marks of armour, and even chaos space marines. The reason for having such a diverse set of armour marks within a single squad is straight forward: this group of marines are Istvaan survivors. They have cobbled together what parts they could and re-purposed anything that they could find to fix and append what they already had. They are being hunted down across the wastelands and black sandy remains of the Urgall Depression. Yet they live, where many thousands of others have perished.

The back left marine shows one that is already painted up -- my initial experiment with the Salamanders Legion paint scheme that I'm going to be keeping and replicating (with embellishments) on the rest of the squad.

Hope that you're all fit and well folks. Keep safe in these unusual times.


  1. Great work! I've been following your series about these guys and I like all your kitbashes and their narrative roots. I get the impression sometimes that 30K has some unwritten rules about mixing armour marks in squads so its nice to see a varied squad with a good story to go with it.

  2. Thanks for the compliment! Yeah, I do agree that this is something of an unwritten rule for 30k. I can see how it arises narratively too: in large legions, whole detachments might be re-equipped in one go, not just at the squad or sub-squad level. But with the outbreak of the Heresy, my interpretation is that anything might have went given the state of the Shattered Legions. Meanwhile the traitor legions might have had their regular supply lines terminated as well. So perhaps it would be only the Imperial Fists, and few other loyal legions who maintained squad level coherency for their armour? Anyway, just a thought.
