Monday, April 20, 2020

Salamanders Squad Painting Progress

Some painting progress on my Shattered Legions Salamanders squad today. I've done the undercoat, the base coat (using contrast paints) and a number of other details, as illustrated in the images below. 

After the base layers had been applied, I was concerned that the shading that used the contrast paints wasn't exaggerated sufficiently for my tastes. These marines are, after all, Istvaan 5 survivors on the Urgall Depression. Therefore I turned to the old favourite: Nuln Oil. A good soaking in the oil has resulted in a much dirtier, and worn look for this layer and I'm pleased with the results thus far. Obviously there's still a long way to go with the edge highlighting yet to be done, and the details on the shoulder pads - including the flame iconography - to deal with. These will be in the next few steps. Good progress so far though!


  1. That green looks really good. Which contrast was it, Dark Angels Green? I'm about to paint a ton of epic salamanders and I'm realizing contrast could save me a lot of time on those little guys.

  2. Lovely work. I've never used contrast before, but all the examples I have seen look really good.

  3. For the contrast paint, I am using Warp Lightning (see: ). However, to get an even more gritter appearance, I am covering it with a layer of Nuln Oil. I intend to weather this paint further in the next stage.
