Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Ruinstorm Daemon Behemoth

These are the largest and most imposing monster straight out of the warp. They are enormous, living tanks and weapons, but beyond that, their forms are as variable as the masters and whims that they serve.

They're big. They have a massive ten wounds. Yes: ten wounds! And they are monstrous creatures. Their stat line is on par with a primarch overall except for weapon skill and ballistic skill.

They have they special rule, Unstoppable, which affects the way that instant death interacts with them (cause d3 wounds instead) and similar for anything that demands their removal from play. Sniper and Poisoned attacks are reduced to a natural 6 to hurt them too. This is very nice!

They cost three times the amount as a greater beast, but I think this extra cost is worth it considering the extra wounds and special rule that we get with the behemoth.

Resplendent Terror Build:
Behemoth, Rift Barb, Warp-scaled Hide, Molten Blood (345 points).
Destroy a transport tank. Get in combat with whatever they were carrying. Kill them. They kill themselves when they wound the behemoth. There's little not to like thematically!

Crimson Fury Build:
Behemoth, Brass Collar, Rift Barb, Molten Blood (335 points).
A more points-efficient variation of the above build. Note also: this build is open to Resplendant terror too!

Creeping Scourge Build:
Behemoth, Miasma of Rot, Warp-Scaled Hide, Molten Blood (345 points).
This is just rude. In combat the molten blood hits at strength = user, but the miasma of rot reduces the effective toughness of the opponent by 1. Very nice for taking on deadnoughts in the early game. 

Lurid Onslaught Build:
Behemoth, Stupefying Musk, Rift Barb (325 points).
Another tank hunter really.

Maddening Swarms Build:
I honestly don't think Tzeentch players should use this due to lack of magic or psionic powers. However, if you do, refer to the resplendent terror build, above.

Mirror of Hate Build:
Take the base line Resplendent Terror build, above. 

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