Monday, July 29, 2019

Horus Heresy Review: Greater Ruinstorm Daemon Beast

They are big. And that is about all that we know about the greater ruinstorm daemon beasts. They have a variety of shapes, and are described in the text as casually swatting tanks as if they were toys.

These things are effectively living tanks. With a base strength of 8, they can provide very effective anti-tank in the army to back up any Shrike that you've already given rift barb to. That, and they're a monstrous creature.

Not too many to be candid. They're a solid choice and need to be played as a living tank, albeit with 4 wounds each. That said, it would probably be better to invest in a behemoth if the points are available simply because they have superior survivability.

Resplendent Terror Build:
Greater Beast, Rift Barb (115 points).
I regard this as the base build. Add on some Warp Hide for extra survivability perhaps.

Crimson Fury Build:
Greater Beast, Brass Collar, Rift Barb (130 points).
Standard Khorne build - and a very nice one it is too.

Creeping Scourge Build:
Greater Beast, Miasma of Rot, Warp-Scaled Hide (140 points).
This is now in a "distraction carnifex" style.

Lurid Onslaught Build:
Greater Beast, Stupefying Musk, Rift Barb (125 points).
Not as survivable as the Khorne version or Nurgle version (both above), but still nice.

Maddening Swarms Build:
Greater Beast, Flaming Ichor (120 points).
The inability to take any magic or psychic powers hurts Tzeentch here. I don't advise taking greater beasts if you are a Tzeentch player. I want to like this slot in the army, but can't for this build. Sorry.

Mirror of Hate Build:
Take the base line build (see resplendent terror, above).

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