Sunday, August 18, 2024

Weekend Build Part 2: Complete Leviathan - but for which Legion?

The second and final installment for this weekend: a complete Leviathan dreadnought. 

The loadout here was an interesting choice given that the plastic set doesn't allow duplicate weapons which would ordinarily be my inclination. I opted against the melta lance simply on the grounds that I wanted a machine that was firing against heavy infantry - as opposed to a true tank buster. Of course, I'm sure I could have just picked up a duplicate weapon from eBay, or even a claw, but I kind of like the look of the longer ranged dreadnought here. Plus I've not actually used a graviton weapon recently and their whole aesthetic appeals to me.

There remains one question though. Which legion should I paint this Leviathan for?
Here's the options:

Iron Warriors: Pro: very fitting. Con: already have a contemptor and don't want to overload this legion with more single member unit choices.

Alpha Legion: Pro: would complement my previous contemptor. Con: really don't want to expand this legion any further otherwise I'm going to have to sell parts of it!

Shattered Legions: Pro: could fit any of the three main legions of the shattered legions. Con: already have a Salamanders contemptor, and the shattered legions rules suck. 

World Eaters: Pro: much needed fire support. Con: everyone expects close combat armed leviathans.

Emperor's Children: Pro: would be amazing to paint in these colours. Con: wouldn't fit with the allied detachment as I already have sun killers. 

Blackshields: Pro: temptation. Con: I don't own any other blackshields nor do I yet have time or plans! 

Other: Name it! Con: I don't own much of any other legion nor do I have plans at this point in time!

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