Friday, June 21, 2024

Scratch Testing Emperor's Children

I have been experimenting with some scratch marks and making some elongated scrapes in this latest addition to the Emperor's Children.

On the shield are several long scrapes done by dragging a sponge with black paint across the surface and then filling in some of the interior with silver. The same has been done on the edge of the shoulder pad, but not nearly as streaked. 

I always get a bit confused whether to do black on the outside like I've done here, or whether to have silver on the outside and black inside for a deep scorch. I think that the black exterior looks good though, and it can be seen on multiple places, including the helmet which I think it suggestive of ducking an explosion nearby. This squad is rapidly nearing completion now. 


  1. I think that either works well, you can even alternate them

    silver outside / black inside - the already bare ceramite has been burned
    Black outside / silver inside an explosion that has burned the paint off back to the bare ceramite.

  2. I like that narrative associated with the inside/outside orientation!
