Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Veletaris Vanguard Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
3.5/5 stars. Good short range shooting unit.

If the storm section is the up close and personal elites of the Auxilia, then the Vanguard have the weapons for a close in fire fight. In essence, they carry the heaviest weapons on foot that mortal troops can manage on their own two feet. 

Rotor cannons or heavy flame units? Both have excellent use cases. The rotor cannons are longer range and can pin your opponent. The heavy flamers might only be template weapons, but are powerful when positioned well. Small units of either is viable, although withering firepower from a large blob is deadly. Mixing and matching is a potential option too. 

T=3. Take the vox too due to Ld concerns. 

Veletaris Vanguard Section x10, Vox, Vexilla, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist and Hand Flamer (120 points). 
Probably the base line entry. Feel free to switch to heavy flamers - no points cost alteration involved. 

Veletaris Vanguard Section x20, Vox, Vexilla, half/half with rotor cannons and heavy flamers, Prime with Heavy Void Armour, Power Fist, and Hand Flamer (200 points).
Maximum unit size, and a mix of weapons. Half-half is about right, and in most cases will be overkill. I can see a case for slightly more rotor cannons than heavy flamers if someone is truly wanting to go overboard with over-thinking things: 13-7 in favour of the rotor cannons might be good?

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