Sunday, May 19, 2024

Work in Progress: Emperor's Children Jump Pack Marine Test Model

Today's update is a work in progress. In this instance: a jump pack marine test model belonging to the Emperor's Children legion.

The colour scheme follows the standard approach I've developed for this legion including Phoenician purple base layer, Xereus purple layer, contrast paint for the recesses and then gene stealer purple for the highlighting. I've got a lot of white on this particular test model as well which I've done in an off-white colour with edgings of Nuln oil into the recesses which help give a bit of a grime accent to it. 

Standard decals have already been applied, but what I've not yet accomplish are the weathering steps. I need to put some dents, hacks, and slashes across the shield and key components of the armour to suggest further wear and tear. Similar is yet to be done on the base wherein the aim is to complement the green forge world scenery that I have in the collection. Overall, I quite like the direction this paint scheme has since is eschews the ordinary gold accents in favour of white, whilst still retaining enough gold to keep the marine in fitting with the rest of the legion. 

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