Thursday, May 23, 2024

Horus Heresy 2e Review: Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Section

Warpstone Flux Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
4.5/5 stars. Rounded down. You need the vox.

This is literally the command segment of your army and comes in a Tercio with an option of Companion Sections. These are the elites who dictate how to win the battle. 

Although some of the characters here have good buffs to the stat line (in particular, the Marshal is probably going to be an automatic choice for more close combat orientated squads), the real appeal for me is the vox. This allows you to "share" your Leadership value with other units that have the same. This is insanely good and a "must" buy for the unit and every other unit you can get it with. Take the Cohorts Vexilla too for Line for objective holders, or the regular Vexilla for more close combat variants. 

Beyond this, the unit is very flexible - they can take many upgrades and special weapons on each model. It is this flexibility which makes this unit rather good indeed!


Command Section, Vox, Cohorts Vexilla, Captain with Power Fist (145 points). 
A baseline entry for the backfield. 

Command Section, Vox, Cohorts Vexilla, 5x combi-melta, Captain with Power Fist (195 points).
Melta-cide squad with some staying power. Upgrade to full melta guns for an extra 25 points by all means and go hunting more regularly.

Command Section, 10 members, Augury Scanner, Vox, Auxilia Vexilla, 4x Power Weapon, 2x Flamer, 2x Plasma Gun, 1x Grenade Launcher, Marshal with Power Fist (285 points).
Lots of points, but so much potential here its scary. They can absolutely go toe to toe with marines and have a good chance at wiping a tactical squad. 

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